Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thank You!

We've been trying to get Henry to say "Happy Thanksgiving", and "Happy Thank You" is as good as we can get. I've decided I like that phrase better anyways.

I had one of my favorite weekday days yesterday. Henry was in a stellar mood, which always makes for a good time. He played well, gave me lots of hugs and kisses, we read lots of books, and all around fun. Last night I went out with 2 of my dear college friends, Sarah and Alisa. I have made some great friends since college, but there's nothing that bonds you quite like living with someone. I admire these ladies so much and always enjoy our meaningful and challenging conversations. We met at Biaggi's. I hadn't been there in so long and I almost forgot how amazing it is. I had my favorites from when I worked there, Bruschetta and Caesar Salad, and then an amazing lemon cake for dessert. It was great.

I had a bit of a scare the other night with some bleeding. I didn't have to go in, but after talking to the doctor we decided that everything is okay. Plus, this baby is moving more than ever. I'm thanking God that me and the baby continue to be healthy.

I have another fun day today meeting some other friends at the mall for playing and shopping. Sometimes I feel guilty having so much fun.

RJ is doing all his weekend cleaning plus his regular cleaning tonight so I won't see him until the morning. I can do this. I can do this. Plus, I've got lots of cleaning and preparing to do for our company. Can't wait for tomorrow and the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! That's so scary with the bleeding! I know how that is. It is so reassuring to feel the baby moving though isn't it? That is a blessing.
