Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bowl Full of Jelly

Of course a baby girl is way sweeter than jelly, but it does feel appropriate (and justified) to have a large belly this time of year. I love being pregnant over the holidays! I'm 25 weeks, which doesn't sound very far along, but when I say I only have 15 weeks left it sounds much closer. Yipppee!

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving and no pictures to prove it. We saw both of RJ's extended family on Thursday and Henry survived his first day ever with no nap with flying colors. Then his parent's came back to our house and stayed until Saturday. We watched some Christmas movies, went on a walk, did some shopping and ate some great food. Friday night, the grandparent's took the kids and RJ and I went out with his brother and wife and had a blast. It had been years since we had gone out with them with no kids! We ate at Django and it's now officially my favorite restaurant. We had been there before but it was just for dessert. If you need a place to go on a fancier type of date, I'd highly recommend it!
We had a nice Saturday evening and Sunday as a family and ended the weekend with fish chowder and America's Funniest Home Videos with RJ's bro and fam. Can't get any better than that.
I should not be blogging right now, so I must end. I just made a list of all the painting orders I have to get done and it's up to 10 and I'm excited to get them started. I'm going to try and get them done by next weekend so I can actually paint some things to give as gifts myself.

RJ, all I want for Christmas, is you. Sing it, Mariah!


  1. i definitely agree. cute. cute. cute. you tempt me to want to sport the baby bump for next Christmas! :)
