Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday and random pictures

Henry's guitar for Christmas. It might be a little too "killer" right now, but I can't wait to see him open it and then put it nicely as a decoration in his room until he's older. Inspirations for the nursery...

RJ's chocolate cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting and sprinkles. Mmmmm....

Phew. I ran around from 6:30-4:30 yesterday and did absolutely nothing last night. This body wears out a lot faster than it used to. I made pull aparts for a food day for RJ, babysat, met RJ at his eye doctor appt to pick him out some glasses, painted a mural, and went to playland. Playland was not necessary, but it was on my way home and sometimes it sounds so much more relaxing than coming home where Henry is all over the place. He played for 45 minutes and I didn't have to move once. Lazy, yes, but I was so tired. I needed it! Today I feel refreshed and ready for more. Henry is playing in the bathtub clothed. I just checked on him and his socks are wet. Yuck. But he's loving it and that's good for me right now.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. Can I just say that I'm totally jealous of that awesome guitar!?! We seriously could use Henry at church as soon as he' ready--if he brings the cool guitar!
    I love the nursery inspiration, too! I'm home with three "sick" (but not acting sick) kids...your pictures brightened my morning a lot! :)
