Monday, November 17, 2008


I really don't stay home with my child so I can shop anytime I want to. It might seem that way sometimes, but it's not my priority. I don't always mean to catch amazing sales and then call every one of my friends to tempt them into buying clothes too. I'm just trying to be helpful. I was just heading out to the burbs to do some grocery shopping and thought I might as well stop at Old Navy as well, but never intended on walking out with 20 items for under $10. I mean really. I didn't plan it! But it was amazing. I don't think they were supposed to give me an extra %50 off all of the clearance stuff, but that's just how it happened. And my kids are going to look gooooo-ooood. :) So will all his little buddies who got to take advantage of the amazing deals too!

I got Henry's Christmas gift off of Craigslist. Yes, I am painfully cheap....and proud of it! He's getting a killer guitar. I've decided that as far as gifts go, I'd rather make a bigger deal out of birthdays (and even then I'd never spend much) than Christmas. I want Christmas to be full of fun traditions, family, church events, Christmas lights, but not presents so much. If I get them used to it now they won't whine about it later.

Henry took a 5 hour nap yesterday and then had a fever, so the chocolate cake didn't get made, but it's going to today. I usually am big on making them from scratch, but I gave in and bought a mix. The frosting will be from scratch though.

I hope you all have a great day! This was a completely unexpected good day for us. I was really sad the weekend was over, but now I'm giddy with excitement. I got good deals and got to meet up with a friend on the spur of the moment. Excellent!

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for the bargain call! That was one amazing sale! I went back after Cloe got home from school and it was pretty picked over...glad I went right away! By the way...I do stay home so I can shop often and find amazing bargains. I'm ok with that. :) I consider it a way to nurture my children into frugal bargain hunters! (okay, so that's not really my first motive...)
