Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dear Blog World....

Dear Blog,

Long time, no write. And I have to say, I haven't missed you a bit. It's amazing how much more I can get done without you. I still love to check other blogs and keep up on everyone, but not spending the time on my own is nice. Is that fair? I won't forget you. Maybe just not so often. You see, I'm in a major nesting phase right now and have so many things to get done!

Christmas was wonderful except for a little stomach issue I had. Nothing major, just kept me from enjoying all the good food. I'm slowly making up for it and am really looking forward to New Year's treats. We've been gone so much the past two weeks and got back on Saturday from my parent's house and within 2 hours we had the decorations down. I love that we started celebrating Christmas early this year and want to do it again, but it also made me ready to have it all be over. It is nice to have a normal week to focus on just us again and get things done around the house. Nesting, I say. I dropped off 5 bags to Goodwill this morning and there's so much more I want to go through too. And then getting all the rooms ready?? Can't wait!

Baby sister is moving like crazy and I l-o-v-e it. I'm am getting so anxious to meet this little one. Still nameless, but we're the name Baby Sister is really starting to sound nice. I think this is partially why I'm not experiencing any after Christmas blues. There is so much to look forward to! We're having a birthday party for Henry tomorrow night, meeting my family on Saturday for another party, and then the big day is Sunday when my little baby boy is turning 2. I can't believe it. Yeah, I can't talk about that right now.

No pictures from Christmas because I forgot my camera, but it was filled with fun times with all my nieces and nephews and Pop-pop and Ga-Ga.

I'm off! Henry is napping and RJ's brother is coming tonight with his family to spend a few days. Fun!

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