Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello 2009

It's a quiet house right now. Everyone is over at Ryan and Jamie's and I'm here alone recovering from the last few days. I'm afraid that I'm experience morning sickness again. I've gotten sick a few times that last couple of weeks and I've been nauseous. Yuck. Have any of you gotten sick again at the end after feeling good once the first bit is over??

We had Henry's party last night and it was so fun. We had 11 little kids in our house and it was nice and cozy. He's got some cute little cousins! I made it staying up until midnight, but was painfully tired. I'm such a wimp. I'll post pictures later. I promise! Thankfully, Alisa took some good ones for me since I was busy doing other stuff. Thanks!!

Our company leaves tomorrow and then on Saturday we're meeting my family half way to have another party for Henry and my sister. Sunday will be very busy as well, but then things will finally be back to normal. What a great time we've had, but it's certainly made us tired!

Hope you are all enjoying your New Year's Day!


  1. I remember feeling nausous alot more in the third trimester.

  2. I'm so sorry you're feeling sick again! It was pretty bad for me at the end with the boys--so much of that nauseous feeling! Ugh! I just read that peppermint can help that feeling...who knows!?! Call if Henry needs to come over for a play date!
    Have a wonderful celebration for Henry's birthday! He's so cute and is totally Mr. Personality!!!

  3. Abby, where's the music you used to have on your blog? I loved it!
