Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Here's the beauty!
I think she looks like my brother. I can't wait to see Elizabeth and baby Charlton grow up together.
I just noticed that my baby countdown is under 100 days! It's suddenly seeming kind of close, and my belly is feeling it too. Oy. I don't remember these pains until I was about 9 months pregnant with Henry. Maybe it has to do with carrying around a 2 year old on my hip? He's in a phase of wanting to be held a lot. He says "hold you" all day. How can you turn that down? He's also afraid to walk on the snow so it's a must to hold him outdoors. This little boy is a puzzle. He can be so outgoing and wild and not afraid of strangers and then be afraid to walk on snow, but I love that mix.

1 comment:

  1. She looks so sweet! Congratulations Aunt Abby! Hope you have a great day!
