Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I got these a-stinkin-dorable pjs the other day at Old Navy. I can't pass up cute pjs--especially when they're only $2.80! :) Once I got home I took them out of the package to imagine the cuteness of them on a little girl and all of a sudden it dawned on me that I want this in baby girl's nursery! This here will be the mural on my little girl's wall. I keep changing my mind with how things will look, but I'm ready to just decide and stick to it. And most importantly get it started! I want the walls white with lots of silver and glittery things and bits of fun color:

Here's my little workshop lately. Just a few more orders to go and I'm done! Wow, it's been so enjoyable painting this year without doing craft shows at the same time like last year. That was just too crazy. I may do it again someday, but so glad I'm not right now!
On my Christmas list....A friend told me this changed her life as far as the kind of activities they do as a family. Sounds good to me!

We had a really busy day today and one in store for tomorrow again with babysitting and painting a mural at a friend's house. Should be fun! Hopefully Henry cooperates well so I can get it done without him pulling at my leg. I'm starting to wonder if he's sensing the change that is coming and that's why he's been so clingy. Sometimes I think it's really sweet. Sometimes it makes me want to scream. Sometimes it hurts my belly. I'm also hoping I won't have to tell him to stop whining 125 times like I did today also. Oh well. He's asleep now and I'm having some nice alone time while RJ is working and then I suddenly forget how frazzled I get during the days because the house is so peaceful.
Oh, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was a great movie. Almost 3 hours, but really didn't notice it. Plus, Tuesday night if you bring your own bowl you get it filled with popcorn for $.50. Free movie passes. Cheap popcorn. Hot date. Good time.
Hope you all have a great Thursday!


  1. Found your blog...obviously! I love the little girl cute! You are pretty much the greatest.

  2. I LOVE the mural idea! Sooo cute! Can't wait to see it on your wall and to see those jammies on your baby girl! After seeing what's on your Christmas wish list, I've added it to mine. Hope you don't mind me copying but we always need fresh creative ideas!

  3. I love the artwork you have been working on! I don't know how you find the energy...I have a hard enough time getting stuff done on the computer - I couldn't get more physical than that at this point!

    I love the idea from the pj's for your daughters room. I love finding inspiration somewhere. Its so much fun! It's like, YES, I FOUND IT!!!! This is what I want!!!

    Ok, and that book looks awesome! Totally something I'm going to be looking for and wanting to read!

  4. Waaaaaaayyy cute pj's / mural! Of course, any theme you go with in this upcoming little girl's room would be adorable! You have the best eye for cuteness!
    I love all the art you've been busy creating!
    Can't wait to see the ideas from the new book, too!
    Have a great weekend!
