Monday, December 8, 2008


We had a great weekend! MOPS was so fun on Friday and we made a couple of super cute crafts that are sure to become a regular in my household. That night, we brought Henry to a friend's house and we headed to his work party downtown. We had huge visions of winning one of the stellar prizes, but came home empty handed. It was still fun, though. Saturday was a completely lazy day and yesterday was lovely too. Last night after church we watched the movie, Once. It was so great. Very simple story line, lots of great music (it's a musical, in a non-typical musical way), and great accents. I added the song that won the Oscar a few years ago for, Falling Slowly. Love it.
Tomorrow night we get another date and are going to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. We got free passes to see an early screening. Can't wait!

I'm off to finish up some painting orders and take a quick snooze before Henry gets up. I'm exhausted today. I made a cheesecake last night but didn't start until 8:30. Dumb idea. Do you know how long it takes for those things to cool down?!? But I'm so excited to try it!

Here comes the snow!

1 comment:

  1. I completely forgot about mops. Not until I read Londa's blog last night did I remember. Next time I promise, next time.
