Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hello all.

This year I'm interested in learning more about observing the Advent season. I'm going to try and get to a bookstore and get a book about it with devotions and such even though I'm a few days late. Do any of you and your familys have some good ideas to pass along?

Today is December 4th. In exactly one month, my little baby is turning 2. Oh, where did the time go? This was our Christmas picture we took about exactly 1 year ago. Henry was crying and crying and found out the next day that he had a bit of an ear infection. I still kind of feel bad for taking him out in the cold like that. What torture! I'm planning this year's picture for Friday afternoon. Can't wait......

1 comment:

  1. I would love to know more about the advent season, too! Blog what you do! I remember learning about it at the tiny Christian school I grew up in and on a special day, I was chosen to wear a wreath with candles it in...oh did I feel special! :)
