Monday, January 19, 2009

Henry's Home!

It was so great to see Henry last night! He got home around 9 so had to go right to bed, but he's in a great mood today and seems to have grown so much.

So plans were to get the rooms done this weekend. Here's the update... I started working on some really fun collages and have quite a few more to go. Here's my favorite. The *perfect* Bloom plate curtousy of Alisa! I love it.

And here's the UN-finished nursery. Woops! I decided I would much rather relax more and have fun with RJ than be stuck in a room all day working. I am excited to keep working on it, but I don't really care when it's done anymore! Hopefully before baby girl arrives, but you never know....
I have so many fun little frames and birdies and knick-knacks to work with. The kind of scary thing is that about 90% of the shopping I did for all this stuff was in my basement. Yes, I've got an enourmous stock pile of stuff! So it's nice to put some of it to use.

Have a happy Monday!

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