Sunday, January 18, 2009

The shower was a success and everyone had fun! I have to say though, I've never hosted nor been to a baby shower where there had to be a smoke break before we could open presents....don't worry, the mom-to-be does NOT smoke. :) It's so fun to watch the expecting mom open those sweet baby gifts and see how excited they get. Yes, it made me even more excited for our little bean to appear.

There was a killer little kid shoe clearance at Target this week. Girls need lots of shoes, right? So getting 6 pairs is totally okay, right? When they're $2.50 and $3.75, I think that's totally okay! And hand-me-down shoes don't usually work too well. Even RJ couldn't resist the glittery Converse All Star slip-ones so we got 3 pairs in different sizes. I can tell he is going to fall head over heels for this little girl...

I got this Angel Coconut Creme Cake recipe from my mother-in-law who had gotten it from one of RJ's aunts, and it is so amazing. It's easy, and it's gorgeous. A great combination. I forgot to get a shot of it before we dug in, but he's a picture of the last piece. Believe me, it's just as good for breakfast as it is for dessert.

Angel Coconut Creme Cake

1 box white cake mix
1 8 1/2 oz can creme of coconut (in the alcohol section)
1/4 c veggie oil
3 large egg whites
1 c. coconut

2 c heavy whipping cream
1/4 sugar
coconut for topping

Make cake according to directions on box, but just using egg whites. Pour cake into 3 8" cake pans (I used 2 9" ones). Bake for 18 min at 350, or until done. When done, poke holes in cake layers with toothpicks or fork tines and pour cream of coconut over cake layers. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Remove cooled layers from pan. Frost with sweetened cream in between layers, on tops and sides. Sprinkle with coconut.
For the frosting: Whip 2 cups heavy whipping cream and sugar in chilled bowl and chilled beaters until thick. Do not over whip. This was the one step I was nervous about because I had never made my own whipped cream before. Let me tell you, it is way easy! I'm totally doing it more often....

Henry is having a blast in Minnesota and we've had a nice time as well. My appt went really well on Friday and it was good to hear the heart beat once again. My belly is still sore off and on but I guess that's just normal. You all probably already knew that. So this morning I'm taking it easy! I'll need lots of energy for Henry when he gets home tonight and I certainly haven't caught up on any sleep. I'm generally up by at least 4, and I think I've been pressuring myself to try so hard to sleep well since Henry isn't here, that it's completely backfired and it's been worse. Bum. I'm starting to get nervous about the approaching sleepless nights with a newborn. And I'm really getting nervous about how Henry is going to react. He likes little babies, but he has become more clingy lately so this could be a shocker for him. I'm nervous about getting no breaks during the day because I'm sure the idea of both of them sleeping at the same time is ridiculous--for the first bit anyways. I'm nervous about being in labor for a ridiculously long time again. It goes faster the second time, right? Because 48ish straight hours of contractions wasn't too great. BUT, there's so much I'm excited for too. I can't wait to meet her.

Thanks to the recomendation from a friend, last night I got the cd Blink by Plumb at the Christian book store. It's all songs she wrote for her little boy. They are so sweet. I highly recomend it!

RJ's cousin Marissa had a baby girl last night! A healthy Layla Grace. Beauty of a name and I'm sure she's a beauty of a baby as well. Praise God!

Hope you all enjoy your Sundays!

1 comment:

  1. That cake looks amazing!!! Maybe a bit of encouragement on the nap time with baby and toddler: when the boys took their morning nap, Cloe was so happy to have me all to herself, she would cuddle up on the couch and watch Sesame Street...I got a quick nap. It was great--sleep and cuddling! Don't be afraid to ask for help when this sweet little girl comes! I can have supper there in a flash!
