Thursday, January 15, 2009

I already put Henry down for bed because he'll be getting up in a few hours to head to Minnesota. He usually manages to come up with a mysterious illness before heading north, but he's stayed clear of any such thing this week, except for the issue that has made us feed him prunes and double fiber bread. Poor guy. Poor little guy. I took him to his 2 year appt yesterday and he weighs just over 25 lbs. Surprisingly this is slightly above his usual 10% on the weight chart! Isn't that tiny? He's still a tall fellow though and everything else checked out well.

I could barely walk last night and had an especially hard time with the stairs because my belly muscles hurt so bad. I guess I must have over done it. It's better today, but still sore so I'm glad I have an appt tomorrow to get that checked out. It makes me feel 41 1/2 weeks pregnant.

So we're pretty excited for our weekend alone! We don't splurge on much, but going on dates is one area we don't skimp on. However, we decided that we're going to eat at home and spend money on maybe a movie and some coffee shops. Nothing fancy, but it actually sounds
fan-flippin'-tastic. RJ also took tomorrow off so we can sleep in! Oh, this is going to be fun. And I'm going to be so ready to see Henry on Sunday too!

Hope you all have a lovely Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful date-packed weekend! I'm excited for you guys--and a little jealous! :)
    I hope the extra fiber will work for Henry! That's no fun!
