Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Friday! I love these days. RJ gets home at 1:00. Makes my day nice and easy.

Last night I went out with with some great gal pals to The Grand Piano Bistro. It was so fun to get dressed up and have some girl talk! It's always fun to get together with Alisa and Sarah and Alisa's sister Erica joined us too. We were there "early" (in downtown terms anyways) so had the place mostly to ourselves until the piano playing started. It was really cool. I have a hard time focusing in environments when so much is going on, but I still really enjoyed it. I think I have adhd....
Thanks for the coupon, Alisa!! It was a real treat.

I drank a painful amount of water at the restaurant. Like I've mentioned, I have an obsession with ice right now. So to get to the ice, I had to keep drinking the water, and the server kept filling my glass and I just kept drinking/crunching over and over and over. I can't help myself! I'm on my 5th 5lb bag of ice at home and this obsession has only been going on for a month. Good thing it's a cheap one. At least I'm not craving steaks or something.

Not much going on this weekend. We have an offer of a babysitter on V-Day, but I think I'd rather plan something nice for home.

I hope you all have a great Valentine's Day!! I love this holiday. We don't really even do much to celebrate it, but I still love it. I know I don't seriously want to have this baby 4 1/2 weeks early, but if I must, I hope it's sometime on Saturday. If it doesn't happen that day I'm fine until my due date. Or maybe a St. Patrick's baby would be fun too?

Happy Friday!

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