Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I'm tired.

We had a great weekend. Didn't really do a thing for Valentine's Day and it was so nice. Henry never made it out of his pajamas and we worked around the house. Got some closets cleaned out and the fridge. That was a serious job. RJ had yesterday off for President's Day, so you guessed it, Henry once again didn't make it out of his pajamas. It's nice to be lazy sometimes. I'm usually so antsy to get out of the house so it felt so good to be content hanging out here.

But of course, I did make it out a little bit and found some great bargains! I got a light pink velour pant set for the hospital. Totally unnecessary, but fun. Hey, I'm having a girl and I'm wearing PINK. When I got to the register at Old Navy, I thought it was going to be an additional 50% off, but no such thing. That was just for the mens. I had people behind me and was so flustered that I bought it anyways and decided to think about it at home. So when I went out to get groceries today, I drove by the other Old Navy and saw a sign in their window that their clearance was an extra 50% off so I went in and did an exchange and saved myself $8. This is a true story. All that work for $8, but to me that is totally worth it and the kind of thing that totally makes my day. So an entire outfit that screams, "Yes, I'm a MOM!" for $8. Great deal!

We had a plain white comforter for Henry's bed that was from my parent's house. It was totally nice, but just not too exciting. There was a quilt I had had my eye on for forever at Target and I was just waiting for it to get cheap enough and it did on Friday! I got a great quilt, plus 2 sets of sheets and a bed skirt all for a total of $35. It was all 75% off. Great deal!
Henry and RJ did a lot of hanging out the last week since RJ had so much time off. I LOVE watching them together. Here they are figuring out the electronics.
Henry has been testing us lately. He has gotten to be quite bossy and clearly thinks he's in charge. Oh boy. He's always got a better idea. RJ told him to take his shoes off and he looked at RJ and said, "No, I leave shoes on, k?" He said it very nicely, but seriously, that's not appropriate. We tell him to eat more chicken. "No, I eat more pasta". Eat more pasta. "No, I eat more chicken". All day long. Hopefully we can solve this before it gets too out of control. I have to try really hard not to laugh sometimes and really hard not to pull my hair out at other times.
The name Henry means, Ruler of the Home. What were we thinking?!?
Have a happy Tuesday!

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