Friday, March 27, 2009

I just can't get enough of these pictures my friend Alisa took. Aren't they beautiful? I love this one of her pretty hair.

Wow. Let me say a big fat "THANK YOU" if you've said a prayer for us the last couple of days. I kind of forgot how hard the newborn stage can be. At times it seems so easy because they sleep so much and at times it can be so frustrating....and I even know there's a lot more of that to come! Harper's first over night at home wasn't pretty. She put up 45 minutes of crying and fighting before she would eat, and that was each of the 3 times I tried to feed her. She somehow lost all her amazing latching on skills. Combine that with my milk coming in and me being incredibly uncomfortable and it didn't add up well. Thankfully, she was able to latch on great with a shield this morning and has been a new baby ever since! I didn't want to have to use a shield this time around, but if that's what it's going to take, I'm all for it. She's also given up on screaming during diaper changes. I didn't really mind that, but I will take the no crying any day.
Henry finally joined us at home yesterday morning. He had been at his cousin's house and then his grandma and grandpa took him out to their friend's lake house on Wednesday night. It was nice to not have him here for Harper's first night/morning since RJ and I were pretty exhausted, but we are so happy to have the 4 of us all together now. We had a great evening playing together and Henry seems to be adjusting well. He doesn't pay a ton of attention to Harper, but when he does it's really sweet. I'm a little nervous for next week when RJ goes back to work though....
I'll try and post more pictures later. Hope you all have a great Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the shield is working for you. It's nice to have that option! Chad's mom leaves Tuesday next week, so I'm free any day after that if you need another mom around. I understand if you don't want 2 extra kids in the house, but you're also welcome to come over here anytime! Or, when you're up to going to the mall, let me know!
