Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to the World!

Harper Bloom
Born March 23rd, 2009
7:30 am
8 lbs 7oz
20 1/2 inches
Well, no false alarm! I had been having contractions all Sunday early evening and they gradually got closer and stronger so we headed in about 1:30. This labor went so much faster than Henry's! I was able to walk around and take laps until 4:30, got my pain relief and then pushed with only 2 contractions and she was out. I still can't believe how quickly she came. It was great! She took to nursing immediately, but that's our biggest struggle right now. I'm praying I can stay patient with it. We can do it!
She's super sweet with a head quite full of hair unlike mine, her dad's or Henry's. Where'd it come from? She also has her daddy's long eyelashes. Oh, I just want to kiss her to pieces.
She quickly was known in the nursery for her temper though. She'll be very content most of the time, but when we change her diaper/clothes/or sometimes even when we just move her, she lets us know quickly and loudly that she does not want to be messed with.
For now, it's kind of funny.
I'm loving all the pink-ness too.
We are praising God for her! It's so overwhelming to receive such a beautiful gift.


  1. What a sweet picture! She looks beautiful. Congrats! Let me know if you ever need Henry to come over for a while, if you need a little rest.

  2. So precious! She just melted my heart when I met her. What a beautiful, sweet little darling! I hope nursing gets better for you. Hang in there! You know where I am if you need any support, encouragement, or a babysitter!

  3. Beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you guys! What a blessing to have quick labor, too! We'll be praying for you! Please let us know if we can help out in any way!!

  4. What a beauty!! It will probably be a while before I get a chance to meet her, but I will enjoy reading about her and seeing pictures of her on your blog. Congratulations!!

  5. Congrats on the sweet baby! I love her name. :)
