Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday already!?! We had a nice weekend. RJ was going to take Henry up to see his Grandma who just had surgery, but decided he was too nervous to leave me home alone. Instead we had a nice, lazy Saturday that ended in a nice big trip to Target to stock up on all the newborn necessities. I had an appt on Friday and the head is getting lower and I'm at a 2! Again, I know I could be like this for a couple of more weeks, but please understand that it took about the first 12-15 hours of contractions to get to a 2 with Henry. So needless to say, this makes me very happy!!
Only 8 to go. :)

I've come painfully close to selling the same rug 4 times on Craigslist. I'm really hoping the guy coming tonight actually works out. Seriously.

I'm looking forward to a night out with some girlfriends tonight. It sounds so nice right now.....

I'm off to get some things done while Henry naps. So much left to do before baby!

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