Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm really enjoying this week. It's funny how now that I don't have to get up early, it seems hard to get out of the door by 11! I love having this time with Henry in the morning. Today is going to be a fun family day. I'm going to work on his "I'm a Big Brother" t-shirt and Henry is going to work on a painting for his baby sister's homecoming. Tonight we're all going to the mall to pick out a coming home outfit for baby. I wasn't going to buy anything new because we already have plenty of baby girl clothes, but it was RJ's idea and I'm way excited. He's not usually one to suggest going to the mall, so I'm not turning it down!

I'm bringing a Chicken Pot Pie to my friend with the new baby. Time to go.

Hope you are all enjoying this gloomy day. Sometimes they're kind of nice, don't ya think?

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful family trip to the mall! A new outfit for baby girl sounds so exciting! I hope you find exactly what you're looking for!
