Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This is Henry's beautiful painting for Baby Sister. I'll be finishing it up later. He was pretty excited about it!

We had a great time picking out an outfit last night. RJ and I rarely go shopping together and this was really one of the first times we've looked at baby girl clothes together. It was sweet. He encouraged me to not only look at the clearance stuff. Good times.

RJ's brother and wife had a baby boy last night! Simon Anthony. They live in Spokane, Washington so I have no idea when we'll get to meet him in person for the first time, but we do have Skye now so we can at least see him on the computer. I can't wait for pictures!!

Henry and I are going to run a couple of errands this morning and then stay home and do some more projects. Someone gave us the idea of having a present for Henry from the new baby. I think he'll do fairly well with the baby, but anything that might help make him excited is worth a try. I've got my Michael's coupon all ready to go.

This pacifier thing is going okay. He doesn't have a problem at night, but about every other day he still has a problem with naps. One day he won't make a peep before he falls asleep, the next day he'll fight it for over an hour. And I'm very stubborn when it comes to him taking naps. I don't give up easily!! But yesterday after trying for a majority of the afternoon I gave up. No nap. And then up at 5:15 this morning and ready to go. I'm praying for a good nap this afternoon....for both of us....

Hope you all have a happy Wednesday!


  1. I love Henry's painting! What a great idea! I'm sure his little sister will love it. Hope you can both get naps today!

  2. Wow, you are almost there! Can't wait to see pics of the girl!

  3. The painting is great and yippee that Simon is here!!
