Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This is a good day.

I woke up to the news that RJ was going to take the day off. Woo-Hoo! But he insisted I not get too excited because he was doing it to get a lot of work done around the house. Woo-Hoo still! He is an amazing man. I'm sure I've confessed before, but I'm not the best at keeping the house in tip top shape. Or even close to it. So the kids and I went to Bible study this morning and got home to a spotless upstairs and a mowed lawn, and it wasn't even noon yet. I love it, but it also makes me feel like a horrible wife. I always envision everyone else's husbands coming home to a spotless home and a meal on the table. Someday, this will be true in our household. I'm working on it!

Harper and I won our first blogger giveaway. We are so excited! She's getting a pair of adorable baby legs from a sweet little Miss Callie. So it's inspired me to do my very first giveaway as well! Stay tuned for the details, but you can safely guess it will be something painted.....

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