Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Henry and Harper's 1st Giveaway!

Henry and Harper would like to invite you to participate in their first ever Giveaway! Here's how it works....just comment on my blog and I'll pick a winner at random. You have until the end of the day Sunday to enter. Even if you've never commented on my blog before, please don't hesitate to do so now. The winner will be able to customize their painting to match their child's room, or it could make a really great gift too.
Here are just a few examples. I have done so many of these and no two have been alike.

Good luck! :)


  1. A giveaway? Sign me up! Great idea. :)

  2. Can I sign-up twice for this??? =)

    So cute...I hope I win this giveaway. =)

  3. I hope I win... I hope I win... I hope I win...

    Have I told you you're the prettiest and sweetest person I've ever met?

  4. Listen to "une autre mere" buttering you up. How do you pronounce that anyway?

    This is one of my favorite blogs, love it. Henry and Harper updates and yummy recipes. Beautiful children by the way:o)

  5. I am not going to use bribery..instead how about asking how long everyone has known you, besides your family I have to be in a tie with Alisa for about the longest, right? That should count for something!

    Whoever wins will be very lucky, you are extremely talented!

    I spoke with RJ's Grandma Junker on Saturday. I have been reading your posts about their house and that they live here and I finally put it all together. She was in the bank so I asked her if she was RJ's grandma and then told her that I had gone to college with you. She had only the nicest things to say about you. And she told me to stop by anytime to look at the stuff you painted in their house. She must be very proud of your work!

  6. I'm pretty sure I've given you lots of good business. Don't you think it's time I get something for myself?! :)

    No, no, no...I don't want to do that to you! But I sure do want a painting!

    Hope you guys are doing great! Talk soon!

  7. What? You're just giving one of your masterpieces away!?! That's awesome! Hope comment #8 is a lucky spot! By the way--Cloe has lovingly started referring to you as the cute baby girl's mom and our artist! (That's right, "our" artist!!!)

  8. Free Drawing ... Count me in

  9. moriah says "pick me please" : ) hope you guys are having a great weekend!
