Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Winner!

With a little help from, Laci is the winner!

Laci and I met our freshman year at Central College when we both joined the same singing group. Then for our Junior and Senior years, we lived on the same floor in good ol' Nanes. She has a 3 year old named Jackson and then had baby boy TWINS this past fall. Email me and we can figure out what to do with your alphabet painting. Congrats! This will be a fun project. And don't worry. I'll do another giveaway someday....especially since it makes you all leave such nice comments about me. :)

We had a lovely Mother's Day here. Very relaxed morning with breakfast and presents in bed. I got to sneak away to run some errands while Harper took a bottle. Yes, she takes a bottle! After naps we went on a nice walk to our favorite park and now the kids are getting to bed and RJ and I are going to relax the rest of the night. Excellent. What a fun last few days! We went to Tulip Time on Thursday and then I did a garage sale with my friend on Friday and Saturday and made way more money than I was expecting. Woo HOo!

Hope all you moms had a great Mother's Day as well!


  1. I know you can't see me, but I am doing a happy dance!! I am so excited, thanks so much!! I will e-mail you real soon so we can work out all the details. THANKS AGAIN!!
