Thursday, June 4, 2009

Great Wednesday!

Today has flown by. We had a play date in Ankeny with some old college friends and I had a great and encouraging time with some excellent conversation. I'm so thankful to be surrounded by so many moms who are good examples of being so intentional in raising their children in a Godly way.

Henry is completely wiped. He went down at 2. I don't expect to hear from him before RJ gets home.

Before the playdate, I went to a garage sale since I rarely get up to Ankeny for that purpose. There was one advertised with "garage sale prices" so I was pumped thinking it'd be cheap, aka $.50 - $1.00. Am I right here? Tops $2, bottoms, $3, and outfits $4. It wasn't that the prices annoyed me so much, but why did she have to say they were "garage sale prices"? Can I say it again...."garage sale prices". Lady, I get stuff at Baby Gap and Old Navy brand new quite often for less than that, so I wouldn't really consider it "garage sale prices". What's a "garage sale price" to you? I know I'm painfully cheap. Oh well. I need to just learn my lesson and cool it with garage sale-ing.

Alright, I'm seriously going to get some pictures up soon! (mom)


  1. i TOTALLY agree with the garage sale pricing thing! i just get so mad when people do that....they shouldn't wonder why people keep coming in and walking right back out when they see how expensive their stuff is. i went to one last week that had so many cute girl clothes and i was so bummed because they were all $3 and $4 for shirts! DUH!!

  2. hey abby! yeah i feel like ive been to a lot of garage sales like that lately! so annoying!

  3. I think it must be a sign of the times or something. This year has been worse than EVER. I had a post almost identical to this a couple weeks ago. Soooo frustrating! If she thinks those are "garage sale prices" then she must never buy anything on clearance!
