Monday, June 8, 2009

What we've been up too.....

#1. Dressing up my little peanut is getting more and more fun the older she gets. On Sunday I made her look like a Southern Belle....she even had sparkly red shoes on. Unfortunately when I took off her hat she had a tick on her head. GROSS! I freaked and ran to find our church's resident nurse. Dana is the best. Thankfully it hadn't stuck yet and then my friend Jenn heroically killed it with a push pin. The hat had traveled to MN with us so I'm assuming it snuck in that way. Gross.
#2 I even put in enough effort to get the kids matching! Such a sweet pair.
#3. Practicing lots of tummy time. She's getting stronger and stronger.
#4. I bought Henry this helmet at a neighborhood garage sale and he wore it the rest of the day except for nap and bedtime. He also wore it first thing in the morning while he ate breakfast. You can never be too safe.
#5. Am loving my new baby legs. I received an adorable pair with polka dots we won from a blog and have used them so much that I decided I needed 50 more pairs. I was searching the web for a good deal and came across some DIY babylegs. I forwarded it to my friend and she whipped them up in no time. You can buy a pack of 3 knee high socks at Target for $6.99 and there are a lot of cute pairs. I love them! And it sure beats the price of the real deal ones, which I absolutely love.
#6 Getting my butt kicked by Jillian Michaels. This 30 Day Shred is serious business and I'm feeling it! I started it last Tuesday and have missed 2 days, but am pretty pleased with how things are going so far.
It has 3 levels, starting at level 1 and working your way up. Each level is only 20 minutes, and has a lot of basic moves like jumping jacks and push ups, but is very intense. I love it and hate it all at the same time.
I haven't done much exercising other than walking for the last few years and certainly have not jumped around much since having children. Quite different than it was pre-kids.....

I step back on the scale tomorrow.....

Hope you are all having a great start to your week! We have VBS all week and am enjoying some free time while the kids take a huge nap. It wore them out. This week is gonna go very quickly!


  1. Ha! I've done that work-out for a few months now...and I do have to admit I like the results! I'm still afraid to try level 3!

    It's quick and a tough work-out...have fun! =)

  2. I just bought that DVD last weekend and did it for the first time yesterday. OH MY GOSH! I work out every single day. I do 50minutes on the eliptical and also do some pilates/some free weights. So, naturally I thought Level 1 would be a breeze for me. NOT SO MUCH! I love it, can't wait to work up to level 3!! I knew I needed to add a kick to my current work out, so I'm very pleased with it!


    here is the link to the etsy shop where i got that stinkin cute headband!

    you have WAY more energy than i do - i could never in a million years do a workout dvd from that girl! NEVER.
