Monday, August 10, 2009

Angel Food Cake

RJ's Grandma Junker makes the best angel food cake. When we visit them, about 9 times out of 10, there will be a fresh cake made. Have you ever had angel food cake that is still a bit warm? And have you ever noticed how the crusty brown top is the most superb part of the whole thing? Everyone loves that cake, but I think RJ is the biggest fan.
We went up to Waterloo yesterday to see her in the hospital again. She's not doing too well and probably doesn't have much longer, so I'm glad we went to see her even though it was hard. So today while the kids take their nap, I'm going to bake RJ an angel food cake. My very first attempt! I bought an angel food cake pan at a garage sale this summer and it's just sitting there waiting to be used. I know it will not be anywhere near Grandma Junker's, but that's not really my goal.

Here's the recipe I'm going to use.

Today is good. Henry is playing in the porch with play-doh and blocks and bringing me lunch and birthday cake. It's delicious.


  1. I also LOVE angel food cake! Chad made me one for my birthday this year and topped it with sugary strawberries. Yum! And I agree that the crusty brown part is the most delish!

  2. wow, that cake looks like the most wonderful thing i've ever seen! holy cow! i've never made it before but maybe i'll have to try...looks delicious! sorry to hear about RJ's grandma...
