Friday, August 7, 2009

My baby girl has been working so hard to get from her back to her tummy. She figured out the opposite trick a while ago. Last night while we were visiting with one of RJ's cousins and the kids were playing, she did it! I was so proud. So she's officially a roller. I just saw her do it again this morning so I think it's a trick that's going to stay around.


On August 6th, 2009, you rolled from your back to your tummy.

And I love you.


I just experienced the smoothest Craigslist transaction of all time. I listed my mother of a stroller Wednesday afternoon and had a response within an hour. They came and got it last night when they said they were going to. That right there is the key. I don't think I've ever had someone pick up the merchandise on the first try. Then before I went to bed I noticed someone had just posted a sit and stand stroller in like new condition. She was having a garage sale on the south side, so I dressed the kids (in the same clothes they wore yesterday, stains and all) threw on my glasses and drove very quickly, yet responsibly, over to get it....IN THE POURING RAIN. It was still there so it was all worth it. I sold my stroller for $75, got this one for $80. Perfect.

And it's not even lunch time yet.


  1. Go Harper! You rock (and roll) girl!

    And congrats on selling your stroller and your great deal on the sit 'n stand! We LOVE ours and I'm sure you and Henry will too! Happy strolling!

  2. wow! thats amazing about harper and your craigslist deal! let me know how you like your sit n stand...ive been looking at them too!
