Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Catching Up....

We've had quite the week here and in the midst of all of it, I didn't feel like taking the time to blog, but want to catch up before I get too far behind.
The car: It all worked out! We were on the phone asap the next morning and the dealership said they were going through with all their pending transactions so we zoomed over at 11 to pick 'er up. We are really enjoying it. It was our first big purchase with the whole family. Our other car and house were purchased when it was just the two of us. It made it more fun this way. Just discovered today, however, that our mammoth double stroller is a little too snug of a fit so I'm going to try and sell it on Craigslist and get a Sit N Stand instead. I've wanted one of those for a while anyways, so it's all good. Anyone need beautifully, big a double stroller in really great condition?? Maybe someone who has a mini-van?:)

Good bye, Jeep. We really enjoyed you. You were our last piece we had left from our short time in Minneapolis and that makes you special. You were about to die, needed new breaks, and never got your window replaced from the break-in. But we still loved you. Please understand that we had to take advantage of the Cash for Clunkers, because believe me, you were no where NEAR worth $4500. (More like only $500)
Hello, cute new car! I love these little hatch-backs and now that we have one, I notice them every where I turn. We went straight up to Waterloo after we picked it up and got 29 mpg. That is awesome! Much better than our other car and MUCH better than the Jeep.
A few weeks ago I hit a clearance at the dollar spot at Target. Don't you just love when that happens? This cute little puppy was $.50 and provided a great 2.5 minute activity. I'll take what I can get. He was loving the whole glue thing, so I let him glue on random things to a piece of paper. It was great.

I love watching his little hands work.

We've been going to a book club at my bro-in-laws house for the past couple of months and the last one was on Sunday so we finished it with a lovely meal. I made the dessert:
Apricot-Blueberry Tart. It was delicious. The audience. She cheered me on quite well.
One of my favorite new perks of having a lap top is having it in the kitchen with me while I cook. The ingredients. It called for almond flour, which was quite expensive at Hy-Vee, but I splurged anyways. Anyone know where I can get it cheaper??

The result! *Almost* as pretty as the picture on the blog.

Yesterday was my favorite family day of the summer so far. RJ took the day off and we headed back to Adventureland with our free tickets! We dropped Harper off at her aunt's house to make things easier and just took little Henry. We went on all the same rides as last time and a few more, including the Raging River. I was worried that Henry would freak if he got wet, but he did great. It was SO much fun. We came home and took naps and then headed to Salisbury House for a tribute concert for Louie Armstrong with some family and friends. It was fantastic time and such a lovely place.

This shot was right before we got out of the car to go to A-Land....and then I kept the camera in the car so I didn't have to worry about keeping it dry. It was a good decision.
So we've had a great time here lately, but the one sad news is that RJ's grandma is not doing very well. She's on "comfort care" which means they are no longer doing anything with her cancer and just trying to keep her comfortable. She's been in the hospital since last week when they discovered she had blood clots in her lungs and legs (probably from the surgery). So, please pray for her. We were able to see her on Friday and will hopefully be making another trip up sometime this week/weekend.
Now, I'll try to get back into the swing of blogging more regularly!!


  1. I am so sorry to hear about RJ's grandma. I saw in the paper they were having a benefit for her, so I was wondering if she had gotten worse. Again, sorry to hear about that, we will be praying for your family.
