Saturday, August 29, 2009

A 10k, the Farmer's Market, and DIY lamp shade project....

We got the camera situation figured out so get ready for a picture overload.

RJ ran a 10k this morning. I am so proud of him! He's been training with a few friends for a couple of months now and they're planning on doing the half marathon in October. It was such a chilly morning, but really fun to get out and see him finish.

We had to bundle up. I can't believe it's August and this chilly, but what a gorgeous day!

RJ and his running buddies.

Serious face.
Oh, this girl. I'm not sure they come any sweeter.
Dane and Harper. I think they like each other.

We split an El Salvidor-ian Papusa. I don't know how else to describe them other than saying they're the best thing at the farmer's market. (they're down towards the east end) And for only $3 it's a great deal.
Next was a tomato, basil and mozzarella sandwich. De-lish!

I may have changed my mind about flowers. These beauties make me want to have a fresh bouquet every week.

A little DIY project. The shade was just plain white before. I glued on fabric, glued ribbon and trim around the edges, and wa-lah! I may not be able to sew, but who needs to when you have a hot glue gun? I think the base needs to be painted black now....

Did the same to this lamp also, and on the other one I just glued the black trim on. Already had the supplies on hand so it was a cheap, easy project.

We had to run out to the mall last night to get RJ's 10k info so we walked around inside for a bit. I saw this lamp at Pottery Barn Kids and it's my next project for Harper's room. Seriously. It's $99! Who would buy that when it would be so easy to make?!
Happy Saturday!!


  1. Ok, so glad you posted this. I've been trying to figure out what the heck to do with kinsley's lamp shade in her room...i've wanted to glue on fabric but have NO idea how to cut it so that would work...i don't get it!?! What kind of glue did you use? Also, the flower one looks way cute...glueing the flowers on...great inspiration! Thanks!

  2. I was able to glue on sections of the fabric and just made a pattern of each section running my pen along the wire. The I hot glued it around the edges doing just a bit at a time. Fabric glue might be nicer, but would take longer to dry and I'm too impatient. :)
    If it's a lamp that is just solid all the way around (with no wired sections), it'd probably be trickier to make it look nice....maybe you could paint on modge podge or fabric glue on the entire surface of the lamp, place on the fabric and smooth it out, and then trim off the excess and put trim on to cover up the rough edges?? Good luck!

  3. Mine has wire, like yours. Fun! I'm going to try it. Thanks!

  4. I love all your pictures! What a fun weekend! Your lampshades are beautiful! I bought the flowers and lamp to do one of the PB shades for Cloe...and then gave up and sold it at a garage sale.!
