Friday, August 28, 2009


Since I don't have much for photos this week, I'll post just a couple of my favorite shots from a photo shoot my amazingly talented friend, Alisa, did for me. They are amazing!
This week flew by. I'm so excited it's Friday!! Tomorrow RJ is running a 10k out at Jordan Creek and we can't wait to cheer him on. But we never thought it was going to be this chilly for the race! I love it though.

Hope you all have a great Friday and an equally great weekend!!


  1. Those pictures are so cute! I'm excited for the race tomorrow too!

  2. Oh, those are seriously the cutest pictures I've ever seen! I love the writing/verses too! You just have cute cute kids!!! I love the picture of Harper's little tooth--so precious!
    Have fun at the race tomorrow! If it gets too cold for Harper or you need a warm place to go, give us a call! ;)

  3. Soooo cute! You have the cutest kids ever!!!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Wow! Those pictures are amazing! But of course, your kids always look cute!

  5. those pics are amazing! especially with the graphics!
