Sunday, September 27, 2009

6 months

This little peanut turned 6 months last week. I can't believe it!
She's pure sugar. I remember being a bit nervous to take her home from the hospital. She quickly became known in the nursery for her temper, but after a few months and really not too many bad-temper moments, she rarely cries. We went shopping with my mom and sister yesterday and she went from 11-4:30 without making a peep. She's happy. Content. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet. And has an incredibly contagious smile.

She also treated me to something special this weekend...she took a bottle of formula for the first time! I probably won't do it too often since I don't really have a reason too, but it will sure come in handy from time to time. And it allowed me to stay out and party til late...more on that later...

We had her 6 month appointment on Friday and she checked out great.
 She's 27" (90%) 15.4 lbs (about 40%)
She'll start cereal for the first time this week. I like to start 'em late.

She's started making sounds like da-da, ba-ba, etc, and it's just so cute.

I know what you're thinking. These pictures are amazing, right?
My very dear friend Alisa took them this summer.

Oh, sweetness. I love you.

We had such a great weekend here!! Friday we had a picnic with our ABF group and had a great time. Saturday I got to hit an hour of my Bible Study and then ran to the mall to meet my mom, sister, and neice. We hadn't seen them for about 2 months so we were very excited! We had a great time shopping and relaxing. Henry and Elise had so much fun together and it was so cute to watch. Then I got to go to a fun bachelorette party for one of RJ's cousins, Amanda. We started at The Cheesecake Factory, a little scavenger hunt in the mall, and then back to the hotel to open presents. It was so fun! 4 of RJ's aunts were there and 8 cousins. Such a great group of crazy, fun women. I got home at 10:30 at night and felt like I was sneaking in. My amazing husband went out of his way to make sure I could have the best day possible with my family and friends. He is truly the best.
I love him.

And that's that. We've got a fun week this week with a wedding on Saturday to look forward to. Hope you all had a great weekend as well!


  1. What a beautiful girl!!

    Many blessings-

  2. She is PRECIOUS! Those pictures are amazing!

    I like starting later with cereal too -- and it's what my doctor recommends! :)
