Friday, September 25, 2009

Sculpture Garden

We met a friend down at the sculpture garden and my, what a beautiful day! The grand opening is this weekend so there were lots of tents being set up, but it was still pretty cool to walk around and look at everything. This first sculpture used to be in the lawn in front of Mr. Pappjohn's house...I think it's a much better fit here.

The one above is my favorite.

The one below is kind of creepy.

The one below is.....interesting....

Trying to get 3 little kids to sit still is always pretty tricky, but always worth a try.
That's our friend Dane. He rocks!

 These 2 certainly love each other.

Have a great Friday!


  1. That last pick of Henry and Harper is super cute! Looks like the sculpture garden is definitely worth a visit, although that "tree" might give Addie nightmares...

  2. Okay, I realize I just spelled "pic" with a "k" in my last comment. Sorry, I really need to take a nap instead of blogging...

  3. cute pics! and i love the reformatting of your blog! really cute pic of you with H&H!

  4. The pictures from the sculpture garden are so nice...and cute! I love your new background this time, too! I've spent way too much time look and am in way too indecisive of a mood, I guess! Hope you had a fun day!
