Tuesday, September 15, 2009

__________ Brownies

Take a can of _________.
Rinse and Drain them. Put them back in the can and fill to the top with water. Then puree in your blender, food processor, magic bullet, or what have you.
 Mix with a box of brownies.
Follow baking instructions on box. 

And dig in!
The secret ingredient? BLACK BEANS. No joke, people. They taste just like chocolate brownies! But without adding eggs or oil. They have kind of a spongy texture, but really yummy. There is a recipe that does the same thing, but doesn't use a boxed mix....that one's next on my list, but this one sounded oh-so-easy.

**Warning Update: You probably shouldn't sit down when they're fresh from the oven and eat the whole pan. Not that I did, or anything. I really didn't! But I'm just saying I wouldn't try it in fear of what might happen. If you know what I'm sayin'**


  1. I've heard about these. I'm trying them for sure:)

  2. I have made these and nobody knew they had BEANS in them!! Yum!

  3. I'll have to try it to believe it. But if they're really as yummy as you say, then THANK YOU. :)

  4. I'm skeptical...but intrigued...I might have to make them and test them on my unsuspecting husband. If he can't tell the difference, I'll be sold :)

  5. Isn't that a Weight Watcher's recipe? I think so, but could be wrong. I've had them before and they definitely taste different! Not bad, just different. First bite and I knew something was different. I asked the lady if she had used applesauce instead of oil/butter. That's when she told me it was BEANS! haha, I thought they were very moist and good but just not like the real thing. I think I'm gonna hve to try them myself though! I love it when you post recipes! love it!

  6. Wow. I wish you could see my face when I read that!!

    Wow. I might have to try this JUST to see what its like!!!

    Have a blessed day!

  7. Hi! Just checking back in to say hi!

    Hope you are all doing great!

    God bless-
