Monday, September 14, 2009

Great Weekend

RJ and I are usually great at going on dates, but since Harper was born, well......we're not so great anymore. I was in desperate need of time away from my babies and for some time alone with my man. So Saturday night we went out for a really nice dinner at Alba down in the East Village where we enjoyed our meal outside. Goat cheese wrapped in prosciutto, a salmon burger with fries, the best veggies ever, and pineapple with coconut ice cream for dessert. The food was great. The service was great. The weather was great. The company was perfect. We hit a coffee shop quick and then headed over to a movie at the Fleur. It was good, but I could have totally done without it. I was so tired-I'm getting so old! I even fell asleep for about 5 minutes, but other than that it was a perfect evening. Thankfully Haper took her bottle with no problem. She's only been given a bottle a few times the last couple of months so I'm always worried that she'll start to refuse them, but she was a champ. After church and lunch yesterday morning, we all took naps until we had to go back to church that night. It felt so good!

Hope you all had a great weekend as well! On the agenda this week: lots of fun playing and more decorating updates....once I get started I can't stop....and our MOPS starts on Friday. I think this year is going to be a super one!


  1. You totally just made me want to check that restaurant out...Dave and I need to be better about date nights.

    The other night we went to Biaggi's and really liked it -- have you been there? Good food, great service...but I'm like you, I was ready for bed after dinner :)

  2. Yes, I was a server at Biaggi's for about 6 months when it first opened....I LOVE that place! It's by far the best chain restaurant in town!

  3. Good! I'm so glad you guys got a date in!

  4. Yeah for date night! I'm a little jealous! :) SO glad you got to escape for awhile--I'd been thinking about you and our "need to be free" conversation. I'm excited for MOPS too! Magnets are business cards are now in the mail!
