Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day '09

We stayed at a friend's house and enjoyed views like this:
Above is the main house, below is the garage with an apartment above which is where we stayed.
More lovely scenery:
The apartment above the garage has a cute room with a bed perfect for Henry, one for mom and dad and a pack and play for Harper.
We made breakfast in the little kitchen.
And ate breakfast on the little deck.
And went on a ride in the kayak. (just the boys)
While I took pictures of my pretty new dress.  
 Harper lounged around with me.
And daddy fished.
And Henry played.
And I relaxed.
And attempted to read a little bit of a book RJ brought.
We had some friends who came to ride in the paddle boat.
And fed them "s'mores".....marshmallow dipped in melted chocolate bars, sprinkled with Oreos.
 And I lounged around some more in another fun dress.
We had so much fun, but you can see the exhaustion in little Henry's face the next morning. But of course I managed to get a sweet shot of the two. They are just obsessed with each other. It warms my heart so much to see the love they have for each other.
We had a great time as a family. Hopefully we'll make another trip out to the lake house this fall. It's so beautiful and peaceful. I even took a nap outside in a deck chair. Oh, it was lovely.  I was way bummed to come back to reality, but this is going to be a fun, short week. 
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend as well!


  1. Wow, you have some great friends! Looks like a fun weekend!

  2. What a fun weekend! Loved all the pictures and my very favorite is the last one. Those two are adorable.

  3. What a fun weekend :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog last week, or the week before....possibly the week before that...sorry I'm a little slow on the uptake :)
    You have adorable family and a great blog!
