Thursday, September 10, 2009


Here's a plain little shade I just put out. It's a bit big for the base, but I kind of like it.

I got out some junky, broken jewelry and some twigs from outside.

And made this. It's supposed to be a bird. 
But you know how an idea in your head is like, the most amazing idea ever? And then you try it and it's like, not the most amazing thing you've ever seen? I like it, but love? Not quite, but I'm going to stick with it and see if it grows on me.

So this arrangement needs some excitement. Maybe changing the black on the clock to a green? Or somethin'? 
I feel like I'm always on the verge of going crazy-overboard-obsessive with decorating things. There are so many cool blogs out there that I can so easily get sucked into. I like decorating and making things out of nothing, but I don't like it when I get crazy about it. It's so hard to find a balance. And all you friends of mine have such fun homes that give me so many ideas....well, stop it already!
This week has gone pleasantly quickly and has been fun. We went up for the whole day yesterday to visit my dear friend, Alisa and her boys. It was so fun and just what I needed. Thank goodness they're only 1 hour and 20 mintues away. Perfect for a day trip and it's a really pretty drive. And it was nice to talk and remember the time we dressed up for the Halloween dance our senior year like "we got struck by lightening". I mean seriously? We started our clothes on fire.

 And we STANK.


  1. who are we?
    freaks. we are freaks.

  2. I love it! You girls are so cute...even all burnt up! I love your projects, too! You definitely are blessed with a great big artsy talent! :)

  3. You are so creative! I never would've come up with that idea from broken jewelry and twigs. Come decorate my house anytime :) And speaking of cool decorating blogs, have you visited Thrifty Decor Chick? She is amazing. I know exactly how you feel about getting sucked in and trying to find a balance, I'm the same way :)

    That picture is cute :)

  4. love the lamp! very creative.
    i hate when i finish stuff and it looks so much better in my head! that happened to me last week. i painted a lampshade then hated it and then painted over it and not it's just plain dumb and i think i need to buy a new one :).

    i also totally know what you mean about all those blogs. it can drive you nuts sometimes. i used to get so caught up in it, but now i just realize that there are tons of cute things out there, and i just can't do all of them. i can't. period. so, let cute be cute and move on. haha! know what i mean? otherwise you will drive yourself crazy! :)

  5. YOU ARE SO CREATIVE! I need to hang around peeps like you Abs! :) Missin ya!
