Wednesday, December 16, 2009

9 years ago today....

I waited for you.

You drove all the way from Des Moines to Pella to pick me up in a snowstorm. Drove us both back to Des Moines to eat at Mondo's and go to The Nutcracker at the Civic Center. Then drove us back to Pella to drop me off and then you back to Des Moines in a snowstorm.

You totally won me over.

Without even trying.

I could barely sleep that night because I was just so excited. I knew. I just knew. Well, I also knew that the thought of you possibly not being the *one for me* made me really sad.

Exactly one month after that beautiful night, I left to study in the Netherlands for 4 months. We spent hours on the phone, hours writing each other letters and emails, and hours falling in love.

I came home. You waited for me. We continued to spend hours on the phone, hours writing letters and emails, and hours falling in love.


Exactly 9 years later you had to stay home from work just to take care of your sick wife and be an amazing dad to our sweet children.


You're just the best.

And I love you.

(And I'm feeling 90% better!)


  1. I'm glad I got to witness that day. Two dear friends, heading out the door with one another...into the abyss of LOVE. You've got a good man in that R.J. Hope you're feeling better!

  2. This is so sweet, Abby! Brought tears to my eyes. You can just see in RJ how much he loves you...which I can understand cuz you're so stinkin' lovable!!!! (In a totally non-wierd platonic way). Feel better, soon!
