Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday already?

Man, this week has gone too quickly.
Henry participated in his very first Christmas program on Sunday. He did a great job! He just stood there for Jesus Love Me, but he actually did the actions to Away in a Manger. It was a really fun night.

Doesn't he look handsome?
He's developed some chubby cheeks these days. He eats non-stop!

In no time, Harper will be up front singing too.
They just grow up so fast, huh.

 I was pretty pleased with Harper's Christmas-y dress. It's a hand-me-down summer dress that I put a red shirt over and then tied the strap around.
Total cost? $0. Gotta love that.

One of my favorite clients ordered a couple of paintings that I finished up earlier this week.
A girly girl painting.
 And a boyish boy painting.

I am feeling back to normal today. It was such a bummer. I didn't really have time to take a day completely off from doing anything, but so goes. I had perked up a bit by afternoon, but still felt yucky until finally last night before I went to bed. I didn't actually get sick, but felt severely nauseous starting Tuesday evening, then all night and til noon. I basicially had to lay very, very still.  
(NO. I'm not pregnant.)
I did enjoy hearing all the pitter patter of Henry's little feet running around and playing with RJ all morning. Sounds like they had a blast.

The next few days should be pretty crazy, busy, and fun.  It's a good kind of stress that I'm feeling. The kind that keeps me motivated to keep going. Really, I'm excited for all of it!


  1. Hi! I'm Sarah, and I just had to comment on your adorable kids! Harper's dress is perfect for Christmas -- so creative of you.

    And gorgeous paintings, too!

  2. You are so talented! I love Harper's dress and your art!

  3. You are way too sweet, Abby! I'm so glad you're feeling better. Sorry I made you work during the week you didn't feel good. I loved the painting and just shipped one off today - wish I could be there in person to see the reaction. You're so talented and I'm glad to know you!!!
    I didn't notice Henry doing the wrong motions - hilarious! Such a handsome little man!

  4. Henry looks sooo grown up! Sorry you were sick this week! More beautiful paintings! I can't wait to see who wins tomorrow!
