Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Week

We went to see Santa today for the first time this year. Henry ran right up to him and gave him a hug. He didn't say much to the man, but he was pretty excited.Then we took another ride on the train. At $1 a ride, we just can't pass it up! He's been on a mall train 4 times this year. He loves trains. I like to shop.
It's a good combination.

Our plans to go up to Minnesota have been canceled. I was pretty bummed, but now we've got a few things planned that I'm really excited for. We had gotten a present for Henry's birthday and decided not to get him anything for Christmas since we'd be traveling and he'd gets lots of presents elsewhere. Now that we're staying home, the birthday present has stepped up to the plate and will become the Christmas present and I'm so excited about it! Henry and I also picked out a couple of little things for Harper yesterday and I've got some stuff for the stockings. We're planning on opening presents tomorrow morning so they can be thoroughly enjoyed while we are home all weekend.
Henry is going to flip when he opens his airplane/airport set.I can't wait to see his reaction.

But before presents can be opened I've got to go through the rest of our toys. For the most part I try to limit the amount of toys to what fits in the toy box...other than the toys that are in their rooms. This has been pretty easy with just one child, but now with a boy and a girl this is going to be hard. First of all, I think I need a bigger toy chest! I like putting some toys away for a while and then bringing them back out when he gets bored with the other ones.

And this little thing is completely content to play with magnets and bowls.
Such simple taste.
I like that.


I finished up my last painting order of the season. I only had 4 paintings to do this month and they were all for good friends so it was really fun.


I've also enjoyed some baking time this season and came across a new favorite cookie. I take my cookie baking pretty seriously, so that's a pretty serious statement.
Except I didn't have lemon so used orange zest and juice instead. And drizzled a powdered sugar glaze over top. And used blueberry jam instead. Seriously. If you like a shortbread-type of cookie, this is the one to make!

And lastly, one of my favorite decorations. My mom got this nativity set for Henry and I just love it. It even came with 3 Superheroes! Aka: wise men. 


I hope you all have a blessed Christmas day celebrating Christ and being with family and friends!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I'm sorry your traveling plans have been canceled! Have a wonderful Christmas with your sweet little family!
    That cookie recipe looks wonderful--I love the combination of blueberries and citrus--good call!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. im kind of hoping that the snow/ice keep us stuck at home too (even though my family lives in town) it would be kind of fun to relax at home with our family! hope you have a great christmas!

    i LOVE the painting! and i may be stealing the pic off your blog to put on mine! thanks again!

  3. Hey, just went back over my posts and found your comment....don't know how I missed it. You were NOT a snotty high schooler. In fact probably one of my favorites- oh wait teachers never have favorites do we.....oops. I have just been catching up on your sweet family and have added you to my blog roll. So happy for you!!! May God continue to work through you for HIS GLORY! Just amazed :) Merry Christmas!!!
