Monday, December 28, 2009

A New Do

I only have about 1 1/2 precious, precious months left of being in my 20's.
That's right.

I'm going to be 30.

 I don't feel 30. I certainly don't act 30. And I really certainly don't want to be 30.

But what's a girl to do?

Get all my hairs chopped off.



Suggestions?? Preferably via picture....thanks!!

A post-Christmas post coming soon....


  1. absolutely adorable hair cut. love it! i say go for's just will grow back! i just got mine cut too and it feels sooooo good. i may get it even shorter next time. why not? :)

  2. DO IT! DO IT doitdoitdoitDOIT! I really like it. Sheesh - short cuts are totally in, right? Plus, it's only going to grow back eventually, so you can afford to experiment. I think it would look really cute on you. A haircut is a great way to *feel* fresh and new and ***snazzy****

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Everytime I get my hair cut I always wish I would have just gotten shorter, so this time I'm really gonna do it.

    Liz-I saw that link before you deleted it and it's funny b/c that's the very first thing RJ told me he did NOT want me to do. :)

    I don't know why I think you'd wear a Katie Holmes little bob're cute like her!
    PLEASE don't go "Kate" as in J&K+8...icky!
    You do not seem even close to 30! I always feel like you are my much younger, very youthful spirited friend! We'll have to celebrate big to make it seem ok! :)

  6. I'm lovin' it, and it will great on you! Can't wait. :)

  7. It will great on you? It will LOOK great on you. :)

  8. And just another :) for good measure. Geez. Sometimes I annoy myself. Apologies.

  9. Well, that haircut is adorable, but I say go for extensions!!! lol

    I am 32 and I gotta tell ya, my 30th bday was pretty uneventful! Its a new stage in your life numbers wise, but other then that is was no biggy!

    Now 40, on the other hand, is going to knock my socks off! ;)

  10. I love that haircut! I say do it! I can't see the back obviously but it would be even cuter if it was reeeeeally short in the back, a little asymmetrical? CUTE!! make sure you post before and after pics!!

  11. love love love it! can't wait to see the new you and the new alisa! be daring...go for it!

  12. LOVE IT!!! I want to get my hair cut like that too, but haven't made the appointment! I love the asymetrical look! You can totally pull it off!

  13. Love the haircut, and I can totally see you in that cute hair!

  14. I feel you...I have about 2 months until my big 3-0, and on top of that we just got a minivan. Can you say old? Automatic gray hair?? One good thing about cutting hair always grows back!
