Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our Christmas

We ended up staying home for our Christmas. It was fun, but we are so excited to get out the next 2 weekend to see our families to celebrate Christmas with them. We did get to spend some fun time with friends and went to a Christmas Eve service at a nearby church. It was all really nice...just not quite the same.

We let Henry open his present on Christmas Eve. He had actually seen this before I got it put away and I had to try and convince him that I had no idea what the "giant airplane" was that he was speaking of.

So when he realized what it was that he was opening he started clapping. A natural response to a toy of your dreams, I suppose.

Harper got a new little drum set, but her favorite toy right now is a set of multi-colored prep bowls I got at one of our Christmas parties. Seriously, she loves bowls!
And seriously, I'll proudly admit that I got Harper's presents at Goodwill. They were in good condition, I cleaned them well, and she has no idea.

RJ and I had decided not to get presents for each other this year. But naturally, RJ bent the rules and got me 2 magazine subscriptions and a tub of my favorite peppermint candies. I warned him though....getting me a house magazine is going to make me want to change my house every month!


So the rest of the weekend Henry played and played and played with his airplane and airport set. I absolutely love listening to the conversations all the people are having. It's just precious!
The people even took naps on the remote control and on the rug.
 But seriously, I've seen documentaries on Jim Jones 1 too many times.
The photo below totally creeps me out.

Completely off subject, but Sam's started carrying my favorite kind of peanut butter. Ah! I get excited over really small things and this was one of those really small things. I love peanut butter. I still can't believe some people have never heard of putting peanut butter on pancakes. Or on your caramel rolls. Or on basically everything. And can you believe I have a son who HATES peanut butter? It's sad. It really is. He's missing out on so much joy!


So we had a beautiful Christmas.
It was beautiful snow. (though it kept us inside)
It was Harper's 1st Christmas. (and that makes me sad.)
We got to celebrate Christ's birth.  (and reflect on all of the blessings of the past year)
And we have 2 more Christmas celebrations to come! (and that makes me happy)

Hope you all have a great Tuesday!



  1. yay for christmas presents at goodwill! i love it...i wish that was more socially acceptable to do...like for your kids or parents or husband? haha

    and i am always finding ben's little cars taking naps in my purse or wherever too! and we totally have that same remote! i love it because we NEVER loose it!

  2. I smiled my way through your Christmas recap. I love the little men taking a nap. It looks like some type of nuclear reaction in your home - and all the little people just collapsed where they were previously playing. Hope they woke up ok! Cars and people and random things take lots of naps here, but each of them rest on a pull-up. Each one has their own pull-up. It's like their little bed. Odd to see them all lined up "sleeping" tucked into their "bed". Its a fun imaginitive age. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas!
