Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving '09

Uff Da!

What a great vacation we had. We left for Omaha the Saturday before Thanksgiving to get on a plane that took us to Las Vegas and then to....Spokane, Washington! RJ's brother, wife and their 2 kids live there and we had not seen them since last Christmas and more importantly we had not yet met their newest baby, Simon, who was born 12 days before Harper. I feel like we've had this planned for so long and were counting down the days for forever and it's quite a bummer that it's over. We got back on a plane yesterday and didn't get back home until 2:00 this morning. It was a nice long vacation and could not have gone better. The babies did awesome. Henry and Sophia were best buds. Who knew an almost 3 year old boy and a 5 year old girl could get along so well? There were a couple of tiffs the last 2 days, but otherwise they had a blast together. Us adults had a great time chatting and playing games and making and eating a ton of food. It was just great. We went to Seattle for 2 nights. We walked around a ton, took a ferry to Bainbridge Island, took turns staying in the hotel so we could both enjoy a date night, and ate some good food. We went to Couer d'Alene, Idaho to see some fireworks and went back again for dinner and took a cruise to "The North Pole". I had never heard of that town before, but it's a resort town and really beautiful with a lovely lake and mountains. We had coupons for a cruise where you saw an awesome light display and then on the other end of the lake they had a North Pole exhibit and then lit the largest live Christmas tree in the world. It didn't seem that big, but I wasn't going to argue.
My favorite part, besides being with family, was our time in Seattle. It was a little chilly, but it didn't rain more than a drizzle. RJ and I got to go on a fun date and the kids did awesome. I'm in love with that city now!

So now it's back to reality. RJ had today off to recover a bit more and then back to work tomorrow. Lots of fun things to look forward do this month. Woo Hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome possum! Sounds like you had a wicked good time! I've never been over yonder to the west side of the states, but it sounds like I need to go.

    Glad you're back, although I know reality bites after a good vacay.

    And FYI - Your "Post a Comment" header is in white, so you can't see it unless your mouse is right over it. So if you haven't gotten as many comments lately, that's probably why. Because your blog rocks.
