Thursday, December 3, 2009


Since I was too lazy to post pictures last night, here's some of my favorites from our trip.

Our first night in Seattle. We walked and walked and walked around the city. No real plans. It was perfect.

 I loved Pike's Place Market. Being there reminded me a lot of being overseas. All the big city smells and open markets. Love it!

Our niece, Sophia. It was so great to get to know her better. She is also a great map reader.
And wears some sweet boots.

A taco from our date night. We found an awesome place called Blue Water Taco Grill. I had a fish burrito. It was amazing.

These 2 were seriously the best of friends. 

These 2 seriously are the best of friends.

RJ's grandma makes some amazing caramel rolls that the boys are crazy for. I made a batch the day after Thanksgiving. You know, because we hadn't eaten enough yet. Scrumptious.

The girls.

Harper and our nephew Simon. They're just 12 days apart.

 But obviously he is much bigger....

The kids aren't looking, but we look happy.
We were.
It was so much fun!

Today we're getting back to normal. RJ went back to work and I've got a ton to catch up on in the house. I had totally intended to decorate for Christmas before we left so we could come home to some beautiful decor, but it never got done so we're doing that tonight. Then MOPS tomorrow, a church ladies shopping trip on Saturday, RJ's work party, and lots of other fun-ness in between.


  1. Oh my goodness. Sophia and Simon definitely have their daddy's eyes! Your kids look like they had a lot of fun together! Gotta love cousins.

  2. that is very funny that you made those carmel rolls the day after thanksgivng because I had a friend over and we made what we call cinnamon rolls but they really are more like carmel rolls.... =)

  3. Your trip sounds and looks like it was a blast! I'm so glad it all went well!
