Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy birthday!

My super, sweet baby girl is 1 today. I can't believe it!! (i'll do a special post later)
we're going to celebrate by going on a big walk and dessert at smokey row. Her BIG party is this weekend. She's excited!

welp, i did it. I started my 5k training yesterday. It was harder than i thought it would be, but it felt good.

It cracks me up see henry run past my room to get to the bathroom in the morning, then shout, "ta-da! It worked!".

Have a great day, friends!


  1. Happy Birthday sweet little girl!!

  2. Happy Birthday Harper! You're one of the prettiest, sweetest, happiest little girls I've ever known! Have fun on your walk and enjoy that ice cream!

  3. Happy Birthday, sweet little Harper! Have fun at your party tonight AND this weekend!
