Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm back!

Finally! Our computer is up and running. We thought it was going to be an expensive fix which made us consider just getting a new lap top, but ended up just being a $23 fix. Not too shabby.
And I'm happy to be back.
We've had so much fun the past 2 weeks playing with friends and painting, painting, painting. I can go months with no orders and suddenly my calendar gets filled up through April. It's been a lot of fun though....I'll try to post some photos another day.

Now, back to that Harper girl.
She turned 1 on Tuesday. I still can't believe it. My baby is 1!
So here's your special post, sweet girl.

Seriously, I could stare are your sweetness all day.
Your smile. Your laugh. Your wiggly-ness. Your cuddly-ness.
It's all pure sweet-ness.

Harper Bloom.
You've brought so much fun into our lives and fit right in. Maybe that's why this year has gone so just feels like you've always been here.

You're goofy, mainly sweet, and have the perfect amount of fiesty-ness.
I love the joy on your face when you snatch Henry's little lego guys and dart across the room before we can take them away. You love those little lego guys.
You also, with help from me, are starting to love your baby dolls and will give them hugs.
I nearly cry.
It's just so cute.

You and your brother. Quite the pair! At the moment you 2 fight a lot over toys, but you also love each other so much and make each other laugh like no one else. 
 I can't wait for the day when you guys will be friends.

You and your daddy. Your favorite person!
You want me.......when he's not around.
When he's don't want me.
And that's okay.
Actually, I love that you love your daddy so much.
And so does he.

Such a sweet little thing. I love the stage you are in right now and love watching you grow.
You are truly a blessing.
I love you, Harper Bloomin' Onion!

1 yr Stats:
18 lbs (tiny little peanut!!)
30 inches long
The tiniest ears I've ever seen.
Size 6-12 month shoes are still perfect and there's even some room left at the toes. 
(you must not have your momma's big feet!)
I *think* you're a lefty.
Not walking.
(makes it easy on me!)


  1. She is sooo sweet! I know I mentioned this on FB but her one month stats and Lily's are just so similar. Almost the same weight and height, wasn't walking, and pretty sure she's a lefty! Except Lily did inherit her mommy's big feet I think :) Happy birthday Harper!

  2. Harper is such a sweet little peanut! That was a perfect description you gave her! Hope you have a great time celebrating!

  3. What a sweet post! Gotta love that beautiful smile. Those pictures of her are adorable. Love the one of her on RJ's tummy. Too cute!

  4. Oh Abby, what a sweet post! Harper is just a perfect little girl. It will be so fun watching our children grow up together. Happy birthday Harper!
    Did I tell you I heard Van & Bonnie wish her a happy birthday?
