Sunday, April 11, 2010

a boy and his sister

It is a rare occasion that these 2 match, so I had to take a picture.

It is also a rare occasion that they look at the camera at the same time, so I was pretty happy with this one!
Henry has a fresh haircut. (sorry, mom) He's just got some crazy, thick, stick-up hair that needed a fresh start. I also think it took about 6 months off of his look, which makes me very happy. He's my baby boy again!~

Our laptop died for real last week. It told us stuff like, "operating system not found", and made scary noises. We had bought it used a year ago for $75 so we feel like we got our money's worth out of it and were ready to move a stinkin' cute netbook! An affordable option that doesn't have any bells or whistles, but it gets the job done. And will hopefully keep getting the job done for the next few years.
It's just so cute and little.

Hope you all enjoy this absolutely beautiful Sunday!


  1. Oh my goodness! FRAME that picture of Harper and Henry!!! They are seriously the cutest kids! Love their outfits!
    Congrats on the new computer! Are you going to keep it in your purse like on the commercials? :)

  2. Actually, I really like Henry's new haircut. He looks exceptionally cute :) And of course, there's Harper, pure sweetness. Love that picture!!!

  3. Wow! Those picture are priceless!!! You'd better blow that second one up (you know... make it bigger... not bomb it...)! They both look so professional! And congrats on getting a netbook! I can see how that would be really handy. I'm sure you'll love it!

    Oh and BTW... I made your bruschetta for Chad and I Friday night (after the kids went to bed) and we both LOVED it! I even used FRESH mozzarella and basil (although that was hard to find at Target)! Are you proud of me? ;) Thanks for sharing that recipe!

  4. Wow - those pictures are amazing - you got great shots! You'd better enlarge and frame them! Perfect!
    I love Henry's new haircut! I didn't see Henry yesterday, but I had fun snuggling with little Harper in the nursery for awhile.

  5. love that second picture! they look so sweet! that one definately needs framed!

  6. cutie patootie. i love those kids.
