Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I had a phase where I was obsessed with ordering Bruschetta (pronounced Brus-Ketta) every time we went out. I also went through a phase like this with Caesar Salads. Man, I love salads. I still miss the salad bar I got to eat at twice a day at Central. YUM.
Anyways, I determined the best Bruschetta in town was at Biaggi's. As far as chains go, it's my favorite restaurant and I'm pretty loyal to it since I used to work there. They've actually changed the way they make it...I liked it better before, but it's still good.
It's one of our favorite meals to make in the summer. The kind you make after your kids go to bed because you don't want to share it! Ok, I hope some of you do that with special meals too....
The ingredients are cheapest in the summer, especially if you get your basil from the farmer's market, or even better grow your own!

So here's the Bruschetta recipe. It will change your life.
2 tsp Kosher Salt

1/8 tsp Black Pepper, freshly cracked
3 tsp Garlic, pureed (I just use some garlic salt...fresh raw garlic gives me some issues sometimes...
About 1/3 cup Basil, fresh chiffonade (julienned strips) Just guessing on the amount..use as much or little as you like, but this is the part that makes it so yummy and fresh!
4 cups Roma Tomatoes, freshly diced (3 medium Romas = approx 1 cup)
Fresh Mozarella--I shred mine, which gets kind of messy.(You could just use processed mozzarella, but I insist you buy the good stuff at least once...it's so good. The kind that's sold in the nice cheese section and is in the shape of a ball...know what I mean? It's cheapest to buy it at Sam's or Costco, but you can find it at most grocery stores as well.)

In a large mixing bowl add all of the ingredients except the tomatoes and mix well.
Add the diced tomatoes and mix well turning with a rubber spatula. Taste for salt & pepper balance. Season to taste. Cover and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

Turn again with the rubber spatula right before service to blend the flavors evenly.

Slice and toast bread of choice to a nice golden brown – not too dry. Liberally brush each slice with the olive oil after it's done toasting.Top each piece of toast with a generous portion of the Tomato/Basil mixture. Top the tomatoes with the fresh Mozzarella. You could put it in the oven to melt the cheese, but I think it's best cold. SO good!!


  1. Thanks for sharing your recipe! I LOVED this the other night! I would've eaten more, but didn't want everyone to know what a pig I can be... I'll definitely be giving this a try soon!

  2. Abby--this was amazing the other night! I could eat it all summer long I think! You do have the best recipe I've ever eaten, too! Thanks for sharing!
    *I love love love the "after the kids are in bed" meals! It's worth the wait!

  3. Yup, we do Meals After Bedtime too sometimes :)

    I LOVE bruschetta and I LOVE Biaggi's, so this recipe is going in my Favorites for sure. Can't wait to try it this summer!
