Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Back to Normal

It's always hard to get back to normal after a vacation, isn't it? And I don't know about you, but when we're away from our kids, it's a battle getting things back to normal after they've been spoiled by their grandparents. (something they're totally entitled to, of course!) I've been pleasantly surprised at Henry's behavior since he came back. Monday was one of those days that I wanted to bottle his sweet personality up and save it for a rainy day. Well, the rainy day came yesterday and my bottle didn't work. We played in the sand box, rode bikes, side walk chalk, did play-doh,  but every activity ended in a melt-down. There was lots of this going on:

That's a boy in trouble and a sympathetic sister. She always goes and sits by him when he's in time out. Cracks me up.
After a good nap we had a refreshing afternoon-thankfully! I felt refreshed enough to even cook something for dinner. I really haven't cooked since our vaca. Monday night we ate some olive bread from South Union that had been in the freezer. That was our supper. Bread and butter and cantelope. (much to my happiness...I could eat good bread and butter every meal and never look back) So my first "back to normal" meal was grilled chicken and black bean salad.

It was super yummy and perfect for the hot weather.
1 Tbl olive oil
1/2 cup green pepper, chopped
1 cup tomoatoes
1 cup corn
1 can (15 oz) black beans, drain and reserve juice
1/2 tsp thyme
1 tsp garlic salt
1-2 tbl balsamic vinegarette

In skillet, cook peppers until tender; stir in tomatoes, beans, corn, thyme, and garlic, and cook 3 minutes. Add vinegarette and 1 tbl reserved juice and cook 5 more minutes. This is yummy on top of rice too, but I just put the grilled chicken on top. 

Anyways, hope you all enjoy this Wednesday and get to spend some time outside!


  1. I think it's sweet that Harper joins Henry for his time out! She's a lot like you - a born care-taker!! Or.... maybe she is "banking" those time outs for when she gets in trouble someday!

  2. Will Henry have to go sit with Harper when she starts her time out phase? That will be interesting to see. Something tells me he'll be off doing bigger and better things. Such a sweet girl!

  3. that dish looks so colorful and yummy!

    too funny about harper sitting with henry at time out - kinsley does the EXACT same thing with Kaeden when he's in time out!

  4. Ah sweet little Henry man! That's a cute shirt there! Harper is too sweet!
    The corn and black beans...oh my yum! Can't wait to get home and start cooking some of these fun new things!
