Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Kitchen Re-Do

First of all, we had an awesome Stay-cation! We ate out like crazy. La Mie (twice!) Splash, Dijango, Raccoon River, Jethro's (half price wings), and Biaggi's. It was all so yummy. The best part, of course, was being alone with RJ and getting to run all over town with him and hang out at home and stay out way past curfew. We felt like kids again. :)
Really, it was great and I'm quite depressed that it's over. It's over! And we don't have another vacation planned for a long time. Or ever. (insert dramatic crying)

We didn't only have fun, but we also got some things done around the house.
Our kitchen!



Of course there's dishes in the sink. Are there ever not dishes in the sink when you don't have a dishwasher??


(the wall where I'll start writing our recipes...eventually)
(the microwave that I not-so-secretly hope dies soon.)

My favorite change:
The backsplash!

RJ came up with this genious's flooring from the Habitat Restore. A whole stack for $20 and we've got lots left to do who knows what with.  We used some counter-top paint and I love the change. Sure beats buying a new counter top!
(I got this idea from my cousin's wife, Nealy. Her kitchen is amazing!!)

Doesn't Ruby look happy? : 

I found these fun fish molds at The Salvation Army for $1.99 a piece.

And this fun tin at a garage sale for $2.

This nice bin to hold all the misc above the fridge was $3.99 at The Salvation Army.
(as you can see, we need all the extra storage we can get!)

I got this bread box at a garage sale for $3 and painted it white.
Ta da!

And this blueberry muffin from Great Harvest Bread Company?

That was probably the fastest makeover to ever take place in this house and it's one of my favorites. It's so bright and light and refreshing.

Now, you LOST lovers out there...are you ready? I'm so exicted for tonight!!
Have a great week!


  1. Oh! My! Goodness! I love the new kitchen! Totally different look and feel. Backsplash - super idea. It makes your countertops look totally different. Super job. Glad you enjoyed your stay-cation :-) and SUPER JOB on your REDO!

  2. I love everything you did! It all blends so well and I think the flooring as a back splash was definitely ingenious!! The counter top looks great and I love the dark charcoal wall. And to think you got it all done so quickly. Amazing. I think you got all your talent from me :) Well, not really!!

  3. Beautiful new kitchen! I too love the backsplash and counter tops ideas! I just might have to steal those someday... Glad you got it done and enjoyed your time with RJ!

  4. I love the new colors! Looks very fresh and updated. So cute! What color of countertop coating did you use? We used putty...also looked at pewter (I can't tell but thinking you used one of those).

    Nice work! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Love the new kitchen, it looks great!

  6. Oooh! I like your kitchen both before AND after!

    And your "staycation" sounds like it was delicious :)

  7. love your new kitchen! :) we need to get together soon so i can soak up some of your creative juices...does it work like that? :)

    hi to your sweet kiddos too!

  8. I like it!! Being a money watcher myself, I can totally appreciate all you did. We painted our counter tops, too, and they are desperately needing an update. I love re-dos! They are so much fun and give a new feeling to an old room!! Nice work!

  9. the backsplash idea is awesome! And I went to Lowe's looking for counter top paint but only found a kit for 200-some dollars. Is that what you used, or something else?? I can tell I'm going to get lots of ideas from your blog! I'm Bruce and Deb's niece in case you were wondering. :)

  10. The counter top paint is Rust-Oleum and it's just $20. You can have it tinted (16 colors to choose from) and we chose pewter. The guy at Menard's tried to talk us out of it....painting on plastic is never good. BUT, we went with it. I would rather touch it up every now and then than spend money on a new countertop! It's not perfect if you look closely, but I love the overall look of it. "Good luck" if you try it! "You'll need it". --that's what he told us in a not very nice tone after we didn't take his advice. :)

  11. LOVE IT!!!! Your kitchen looks so fresh and beautiful! The colors, decorations, and backsplash are obviously from that of geniuses! Razzle dazzle!!! (I know, it's used wrong, but I think it fits!)

  12. Abby, my post today is seriously all because of you!!!! THANKS!!!!! How's yours holding up?

    I've linked to you here:
