Friday, June 18, 2010


VBS is over! We had a great week and I was pleasantly surpised to see that all the 4-6 yr olds that I was helping with did better everyday when I was expecting the opposite. It was a lot of fun!
But my poor kiddos. Early mornings, long mornings, big naps, and over and over. I knew Henry had had it when he wouldn't let me leave his side this morning. I knew we shouldn't stay around church to eat lunch, but who can resist pizza? I knew letting him eat all that candy wasn't the best idea. I figured him having an enormous temper tantrum at church would be really embarrassing and I now know it's true. Can we just forget that happened?
It was the kind where he was gagging because he was screaming so much.
 I've got a headache!
And I'm exhausted!!
And I'm glad RJ will be home soon!!!

Now that VBS and all the preparing is over....I feel like I can officially say
Let summer begin!
Yee Haw!


  1. Abby--I'm so sorry! I'm not just saying this--but I didn't even notice that Henry was having a tantrum. I thought he was just crying b/c he didn't want to leave. I don't think any mom can say that they haven't been in your shoes!
    I totally understand about the long days, too! We've left at 7:55 everyday and never made it home before 1:30...most days were 4:30! I'm praying we all sleep in tomorrow!
    Happy summer!!!

  2. I forgot to comment back on the curtains question! Sorry! Glad you like them. I did have them made. The fabric is from my favorite "Amy Butler"...just tagged her sight on my blog a few days ago. I love love love her stuff. I think you will too! Jessie Z sowed them for me. I am going to do all custom from now on.....way better!

  3. Yay!! Hope your summer if dull of adventures and discoveries!

